Milo Yiannopoulos' Controversial Book - Available on Amazon Now!

Milo Yiannopoulos' Controversial Book - Available on Amazon Now!


Discover the controversial and thought-provoking book by Milo Yiannopoulos, Dangerous, available now on Amazon.

Milo Yiannopoulos, the controversial writer and public speaker, has recently released a new book on Amazon titled The New Right: A Journey to the Fringe of American Politics. The book is already causing quite a stir in political circles, as it delves into the world of the alt-right and explores what has become known as the culture war in America.

From the very first page, Yiannopoulos grabs the reader's attention with his unapologetic tone and provocative language. He immediately sets out to challenge conventional wisdom and take on some of the most sensitive and divisive issues in contemporary politics. Whether you agree with him or not, it's hard to deny that he has a talent for stirring up controversy and getting people talking.

One of the things that makes Yiannopoulos' writing so compelling is his willingness to tackle difficult topics head-on. He doesn't shy away from taking on controversial issues like race, gender, and religion, and he does so in a way that is both thoughtful and provocative. For example, in one chapter of the book, he discusses the rise of the alt-right and argues that it is a natural response to the excesses of the progressive left.

Throughout the book, Yiannopoulos uses his trademark wit and sarcasm to make his points, often poking fun at his opponents while still making serious arguments. He also draws on his own experiences as a gay man and a former Breitbart editor to provide a unique perspective on the political landscape.

Of course, not everyone is a fan of Yiannopoulos or his ideas, and he is no stranger to controversy. He has been banned from social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook, and his speaking events have often been met with protests and even violence. But love him or hate him, there's no denying that he is a fascinating figure who has made a significant impact on the political discourse in America.

One of the things that sets The New Right apart from other books on politics is Yiannopoulos' willingness to take on some of the sacred cows of both the left and the right. He is equally critical of progressive identity politics and conservative traditionalism, arguing that both are limiting and outdated ideologies that are holding America back.

Throughout the book, Yiannopoulos also explores the concept of free speech and its role in a healthy democracy. He argues that the suppression of unpopular ideas and viewpoints is not only wrong but also counterproductive, as it leads to a society that is less tolerant and less open-minded.

Overall, The New Right is a thought-provoking and engaging read that is sure to spark debate and discussion among readers. Whether you agree with Yiannopoulos or not, there's no denying that he has a unique perspective on American politics and culture, and his book is well worth a read for anyone interested in these topics.

In conclusion, The New Right: A Journey to the Fringe of American Politics by Milo Yiannopoulos is a must-read book for anyone interested in contemporary politics and culture. With his signature wit and provocative language, Yiannopoulos takes on some of the most sensitive and divisive issues in American society today and provides a unique perspective on the political landscape. Whether you agree with him or not, it's hard to deny that he has made a significant impact on the political discourse in America, and his book is sure to spark debate and discussion among readers.

The Controversial Figure Milo Yiannopoulos

Milo Yiannopoulos is a controversial figure in the world of politics and media. Known for his provocative comments and opinions, he has gained both a following and notoriety for his outspokenness on issues such as feminism, free speech, and political correctness. Born in Greece and raised in the UK, Yiannopoulos is a writer, commentator, and speaker who has made a name for himself as a champion of conservative values and a vocal opponent of what he sees as the excesses of the left.

The Release of Dangerous on Amazon

In 2017, Yiannopoulos published his book Dangerous on Amazon. The book was marketed as a memoir, but also contained essays on topics such as feminism, Islam, and the alt-right. The release of the book was highly anticipated, with many of Yiannopoulos' fans eagerly awaiting its arrival. However, the book was also met with controversy and criticism, with some accusing it of promoting hate speech and bigotry.

The Content of Dangerous

The book Dangerous is divided into three sections: The Establishment, The Left, and The Future. In each section, Yiannopoulos offers his opinions on various topics, ranging from feminism and political correctness to race and immigration. He also includes personal anecdotes about his life and career, including his experiences working for Breitbart and his controversial appearance at UC Berkeley.

The Reception of Dangerous

Yiannopoulos' book Dangerous was met with mixed reviews. Some praised it for its boldness and honesty, while others criticized it for promoting hate speech and bigotry. The book was also controversial for its use of language, with some accusing Yiannopoulos of using slurs and derogatory terms to describe certain groups of people.

The Controversy Surrounding the Book's Release

The release of Dangerous was not without controversy. Several major publishers, including Simon & Schuster and Penguin Random House, had initially signed deals with Yiannopoulos to publish the book. However, both companies ultimately backed out of the deals after facing backlash from the public and employees who objected to working with Yiannopoulos.

Amazon's Decision to Publish the Book

In light of the controversy surrounding Dangerous, Amazon's decision to publish the book was also met with criticism. Some accused the company of promoting hate speech and bigotry by offering the book for sale on its platform. Others argued that Amazon's decision was a violation of its own policies, which prohibit the sale of products that promote hatred or intolerance.

The Debate Over Free Speech

The controversy surrounding Dangerous highlights the ongoing debate over free speech in the United States. Some argue that the book represents an important exercise of free speech, and that Yiannopoulos should be allowed to express his opinions even if they are controversial or offensive. Others argue that the book promotes hate speech and bigotry, and that free speech should not be used as a justification for promoting harmful ideas.

The Role of Social Media in the Debate

Social media has played a significant role in the debate over free speech and the release of Dangerous. Yiannopoulos has used platforms such as Twitter and Facebook to promote his views and connect with his followers. However, he has also been banned from several social media platforms, including Twitter, for violating their policies on hate speech and harassment.

The Impact of Dangerous

Despite the controversy surrounding its release, Dangerous has had a significant impact on the political and cultural landscape in the United States. The book has helped to popularize many of Yiannopoulos' ideas and opinions, and has contributed to the ongoing debate over issues such as feminism, free speech, and political correctness. Whether one agrees or disagrees with its contents, Dangerous is a book that will continue to shape the conversation on these topics for years to come.

The Legacy of Milo Yiannopoulos

Love him or hate him, there is no denying that Milo Yiannopoulos has made a significant impact on the world of politics and media. He has become a lightning rod for controversy and a symbol of the ongoing culture wars in the United States. While his career has been marked by controversy and scandal, he has also gained a devoted following of supporters who see him as a champion of free speech and conservative values. Whether he will continue to be a major figure in the years to come remains to be seen, but there is no doubt that his influence will be felt for some time to come.

Introduction to Milo Yiannopoulos and his Controversial Reputation

Milo Yiannopoulos, a British far-right political commentator, is known for his controversial views on various social and political issues. He has been involved in several incidents that have sparked widespread controversy and protests. However, despite his controversial reputation, he has gained a significant following, particularly among conservative and alt-right circles.Yiannopoulos is a former senior editor at Breitbart News, a conservative news and opinion website that has been criticized for promoting racist, sexist, and anti-Semitic views. Yiannopoulos himself has been accused of promoting hate speech and inciting violence against marginalized communities, including Muslims, immigrants, and members of the LGBTQ+ community.In 2017, Yiannopoulos was forced to resign from Breitbart News after a video surfaced in which he appeared to endorse pedophilia. The controversy surrounding his comments led to the cancellation of his speaking engagements at several universities and his book deal with Simon & Schuster. However, he managed to self-publish his book, Dangerous, on Amazon later that year.

A Look into the Contents of Milo's Amazon Book

Dangerous is a collection of essays by Yiannopoulos that covers a range of topics, including politics, culture, and technology. The book is divided into chapters that explore different themes, such as feminism, the Black Lives Matter movement, and the rise of Donald Trump.In the book, Yiannopoulos presents his views on various social and political issues, often taking a contrarian stance that challenges mainstream liberal beliefs. He argues that political correctness has gone too far and that free speech is under threat from left-wing activists who seek to silence dissenting voices.The book also includes personal anecdotes and reflections on Yiannopoulos' life, including his experiences as a gay man and his struggles with addiction. Overall, Dangerous presents an unapologetically conservative perspective on contemporary issues, one that is often at odds with mainstream media and liberal sensibilities.

The Role of Free Speech in Milo's Writing

Yiannopoulos is a strong advocate for free speech, arguing that it is essential for democracy and intellectual diversity. He believes that universities, in particular, have become safe spaces where dissenting views are not tolerated and that this is harmful to intellectual progress.In Dangerous, Yiannopoulos argues that political correctness has gone too far and that it is causing a chilling effect on free speech. He believes that people should be allowed to express controversial or unpopular opinions without fear of being ostracized or silenced.However, Yiannopoulos' commitment to free speech has often been criticized as a cover for hate speech and bigotry. Critics argue that his views on marginalized communities, such as Muslims and immigrants, are not just controversial but actively harmful and dangerous.

Analyzing Milo's Conservative Beliefs and Political Views

Yiannopoulos is a self-described conservative, but his views are not always in line with mainstream conservative ideology. He is a vocal critic of the Republican establishment and has been known to endorse far-right candidates and movements.In Dangerous, Yiannopoulos presents a conservative vision for America that emphasizes individualism, free markets, and limited government. He argues that the left-wing agenda is harmful to American values and that conservatives need to fight back against the progressive agenda.However, Yiannopoulos' brand of conservatism is often seen as extreme and even dangerous. His views on immigration, Islam, and race have been criticized as promoting hate and intolerance, and he has been accused of aligning himself with white nationalist and alt-right movements.

How Milo Addresses Social Issues in his Book

Yiannopoulos' book covers a range of social issues, from feminism and gender identity to race and immigration. He presents a contrarian view on many of these issues, arguing that the left-wing agenda is harmful to society and that conservatives need to fight back against it.For example, in his chapter on feminism, Yiannopoulos argues that modern feminism has become a toxic movement that promotes victimhood and demonizes men. He believes that women should be encouraged to embrace their femininity and reject the masculinization of society.Similarly, in his chapters on race and immigration, Yiannopoulos argues that multiculturalism has failed and that Western societies need to prioritize their own cultural heritage and identity. He is a vocal critic of Islam and believes that Muslim immigration is a threat to Western values and security.

Milo's Attitude Towards Feminism and the #MeToo Movement

Yiannopoulos is a vocal critic of modern feminism and the #MeToo movement, which he believes have gone too far in demonizing men and stifling free speech. In Dangerous, he argues that the feminist movement has become a tool of the left-wing agenda and that it is doing more harm than good.He also takes issue with the way that the #MeToo movement has been used to silence dissenting voices and ruin reputations without due process. He believes that men are being unfairly targeted and that false accusations are becoming too common.However, Yiannopoulos' views on feminism and the #MeToo movement have been criticized as insensitive and out of touch. Critics argue that he is downplaying the experiences of women who have been victims of sexual harassment and assault and that he is promoting a culture of victim blaming.

The Intersection of Milo's Personal Life and Public Persona

Yiannopoulos' personal life has often been intertwined with his public persona, particularly his sexuality and struggles with addiction. He has been open about his experiences as a gay man and has used his platform to advocate for LGBTQ+ rights.However, Yiannopoulos' personal life has also been the subject of controversy, particularly his comments about pedophilia and his involvement in the alt-right movement. These incidents have led to widespread condemnation and protests and have tarnished his reputation.In Dangerous, Yiannopoulos reflects on his personal life and struggles, including his experiences with addiction and his decision to come out as gay. He presents himself as a flawed but ultimately resilient individual who has overcome many obstacles to achieve success.

Milo's Criticism of Mainstream Media and Journalism

Yiannopoulos is a vocal critic of mainstream media and journalism, which he believes are biased against conservative viewpoints. He argues that journalists have become activists and propagandists, using their platforms to promote left-wing agendas and silence dissenting voices.In Dangerous, Yiannopoulos takes aim at several mainstream media outlets, including The New York Times and CNN, accusing them of promoting fake news and manipulating public opinion. He also criticizes social media platforms, such as Twitter and Facebook, for censoring conservative voices.However, Yiannopoulos' own history of spreading misinformation and promoting hate speech has led many to question his credibility as a journalist and commentator. Critics argue that he is simply using the same tactics he accuses the mainstream media of using, and that his views should be taken with a grain of salt.

How Milo's Book Has Sparked Debate and Criticism

Dangerous has sparked widespread debate and criticism since its release, with many accusing Yiannopoulos of promoting hate speech and bigotry. Several bookstores refused to carry the book, and it was banned by several countries, including Australia and New Zealand.Critics argue that Yiannopoulos' views are harmful and dangerous, particularly his comments about marginalized communities, such as Muslims and immigrants. They also accuse him of promoting false information and conspiracy theories, such as the Pizzagate scandal.Supporters of Yiannopoulos, on the other hand, argue that he is simply exercising his right to free speech and challenging mainstream liberal beliefs. They see him as a voice of reason in an increasingly polarized political climate and believe that his views should be heard.

Final Thoughts on Milo's Book and its Impact on Society

Dangerous is a controversial book that presents a conservative vision for America that challenges mainstream liberal beliefs. It has sparked widespread debate and criticism, with many accusing Yiannopoulos of promoting hate speech and bigotry.While Yiannopoulos is a strong advocate for free speech, his commitment to this principle has often been criticized as a cover for hate speech and intolerance. His views on marginalized communities, such as Muslims and immigrants, have been accused of promoting fear and division.Overall, Dangerous presents a starkly different vision for America than what is presented by mainstream media and liberal sensibilities. While it may not be everyone's cup of tea, it does offer a thought-provoking perspective on contemporary issues and the role of free speech in society.

Milo Yiannopoulos Book on Amazon: A Point of View


Milo Yiannopoulos is a controversial figure who has been in the spotlight for his conservative views and outspoken opinions. His book, Dangerous, was released on Amazon in 2017 and quickly became one of the best-selling books on the platform.


1. Freedom of speech: Yiannopoulos' book is an example of free speech and expression. It allows readers to engage with different ideas and perspectives, even if they do not agree with them.2. Alternative view: The book offers a viewpoint that is often not represented in mainstream media. It provides an alternative perspective on issues such as feminism, race, and sexuality.3. Best Selling: Milo's book has been on the top selling list for Amazon, which means it has a lot of demand.


1. Controversial content: The book contains controversial content that has been criticized for being racist, sexist, and homophobic. Many people believe that it promotes hate speech and intolerance.2. Offensive language: Some readers may find the language used in the book offensive and derogatory.3. Censorship: Amazon has faced criticism for selling the book, with some arguing that it should be banned due to its controversial content.

Table Comparison

Pros Cons
Freedom of speech Controversial content
Alternative view Offensive language
Best Selling Censorship


In conclusion, the controversy surrounding Milo Yiannopoulos' book on Amazon highlights the ongoing debate about free speech and censorship. While the book offers an alternative perspective on many issues, its controversial content and offensive language have led to calls for it to be banned by some. Ultimately, it is up to individual readers to decide whether they want to engage with the ideas presented in the book.

Conclusion: Milo Yiannopoulos Book on Amazon

As we come to the end of our discussion on Milo Yiannopoulos' book on Amazon, it is important to note that while the book may have faced controversy and backlash, it still remains available for purchase on the platform. The book titled 'Dangerous' was initially banned by Amazon due to its controversial content, but after much debate, it was eventually made available to the public.

It is understandable that the book may not be for everyone, considering the author's reputation for being a controversial figure in the media. However, it is important to remember that freedom of speech and expression is a fundamental right that should be upheld, even if we do not agree with the content being presented.

The book itself delves into topics such as politics, culture, and the author's personal experiences. While some may argue that the content is offensive, others have praised the book for its honest and unapologetic approach to controversial topics.

It is also worth noting that the controversy surrounding the book has brought attention to the issue of censorship on platforms such as Amazon. While it is important to ensure that content does not promote hate speech or violence, it is equally important to allow for diverse opinions and perspectives to be shared.

Furthermore, the controversy surrounding the book has also sparked discussions on the role of social media and online platforms in shaping public discourse. It highlights the need for platforms to have clear guidelines and policies in place to ensure that content is moderated in a fair and consistent manner.

Ultimately, whether or not one chooses to read Milo Yiannopoulos' book is a personal decision. However, it is crucial to approach the issue with an open and critical mind, and to recognize the importance of free speech and expression in our society.

In conclusion, the availability of Milo Yiannopoulos' book on Amazon has sparked important discussions on censorship, free speech, and social media. While controversy may still surround the book, it is ultimately up to each individual to make their own decision on whether or not to engage with its content.

Thank you for reading this article and taking the time to consider the issues at hand. We hope that this discussion has provided some insight into the controversy surrounding Milo Yiannopoulos' book on Amazon.

People Also Ask about Milo Yiannopoulos Book Amazon

Who is Milo Yiannopoulos?

Milo Yiannopoulos is a British political commentator, journalist, and author. He gained notoriety for his far-right views and controversial statements on topics such as feminism, Islam, and immigration.

What is the name of his book?

The book in question is called Dangerous. It was published in 2017 by Dangerous Books, an imprint of Simon & Schuster.

What is the book about?

Dangerous is a collection of essays written by Milo Yiannopoulos. The book covers a variety of controversial topics, including political correctness, free speech, feminism, and Islam. It also includes personal anecdotes from Yiannopoulos's life, as well as criticism of popular culture and the media.

Why was the book controversial?

The book was controversial because of the author's far-right views and history of making inflammatory statements. Many people considered the book to be hate speech, and there were protests and calls to boycott the book. In addition, the book's publisher, Simon & Schuster, faced backlash for giving a platform to Yiannopoulos's views.

Can the book still be purchased on Amazon?

Yes, the book is still available for purchase on Amazon. However, it is no longer sold by the original publisher, Simon & Schuster. Instead, it is sold by third-party sellers and is often listed as a used or collectible item.

  • Overall, Dangerous is a controversial book that has sparked debate and protest.
  • The book contains essays on a variety of topics, including political correctness and free speech.
  • Milo Yiannopoulos's far-right views and history of making inflammatory statements have contributed to the book's controversy.
  • The book can still be purchased on Amazon, but is no longer sold by the original publisher.